As a game expert, I e een playing League of Legends (LOL) for several years. One of my forite campions is te Crocodile, Renekton. In tis article, I will sare wit you my recommended Renekton uild for moile gaming. Wit tis uild, you can dominate te top lane and carry your team to victory!
Early Game Strategy
Renekton is a strong early game campion, so you sould focus on getting kills and farm as muc as possile in te early game. Here are some tips for you:
- Maximize your Q aility, Cull Te Meek, to deal a lot of damage to te minions and sustain yourself.
- Try to it ot te enemy campion and te minions wit your Q aility to maximize te ealing effect.
- Use your W aility, Rutless Predator, to stun te enemy campion and follow up wit an auto-attack and Q aility. Tis como can deal a lot of damage and can even kill te enemy.
- Don't underestimate your E aility, Slice and Dice, as it can e used to escape ganks and case down te enemies.
Build Recommendation
For Renekton's uild, I recommend te following items:
- Black Cleer - Tis item gives you a lot of AD, ealt, and CDR. It also as a unique passive tat sreds te enemy armor, making tem more vulnerale to your pysical damage.
- Spirit Visage - Tis item gives you even more ealt and CDR, as well as magic resistance. It also amplifies your natural ealt regeneration and lifesteal, making you more tanky and sustainale.
- Sterak's Gage - Tis item gives you a massive sield and tenacity wenever you take a lot of damage. It also gives you more AD and ealt, making you even more durale.
- Tornmail - Tis item is great against ey AD teams, as it returns a portion of te damage tey deal to you. It also gives you more armor, making you even more tanky.
- Randuin's Omen - Tis item is great against ey crit teams, as it reduces te crit damage tey deal to you. It also gives you more ealt and armor, making you nearly unstoppale.
- Mercury's Treads - Tis item gives you a lot of tenacity and magic resistance, making you less vulnerale to crowd control and magic damage. It's also a great pair of oots tat allow you to move around te map quickly.
Late Game Strategy
In te late game, Renekton sould transition into a tanky frontliner wo can initiate team figts and soak up damage for is team. Here are some tips for you:
- Stick wit your team and initiate team figts wit your E aility, Slice and Dice, followed up y your W aility, Rutless Predator. Tis como can stun multiple enemies and allow your team to follow up wit teir own ailities.
- Use your R aility, Dominus, to gain a massive ealt oost and deal area-of-effect damage around you. Tis aility is great for initiating team figts and staying alive in te midst of attles.
- Protect your carries and peel for tem y stunning and casing down te enemies. Renekton is great at zoning and disrupting te enemy ackline, so make use of your ailities to do so.
Wit tis Renekton uild and strategy, you can dominate te top lane and carry your team to victory. Rememer to focus on your early game strengt, uild tanky items tat synergize wit your ailities, and transition into a tanky frontliner in te late game. Good luck and e fun in your games!